The Todd Brommelkamp Show


October 30

Sports Equinox! The Road to Wrigley begins! Worst Weekend-Youtube Plus: It’s time to hit the scale!


October 27

The World Series starts tonight Wheel of Beef Fan Fiction Friday Will Dame be one of the best additions to a team ever?


October 26

The Gazette’s John Steppe talks Hawks Lee Sterling’s weekly picks Brian Ferentz speaks (sort of) Worst Take, Return of the Mc and More


October 25

JUNK Love it or Leave it: Candy Corn Edition Talking the Hawks and the Bye Week! Wager Wise at 8:20a


October 24

Tristan Cockcroft answers Fantasy Football questions at 8:20 Vodka, donuts, and fast food Game 7 of the NLCS The return of the NBA


October 23

Is it time? Yes or No: Does the NLCS reach game 7? Monday Morning Blitz Worst Weekend


October 20

Fan Fiction Friday The B1G picture. Wheel of Beef The MLB Playoffs are heating up Reaction to TNF


October 19

Lee Sterling’s picks at 7:20a Start, Bench, Cut: Floyd of Rosedale Edition News you’ll totally believe Remember 1985?


October 18

John Steppe talks Hawkeyes at 7:40a Wager Wise with Jason Sylva at 8:20a Irony is not dead Love it or Leave it


October 17

Major Show news at 7am Tristan Tuesday! Fantasy Football at 8:20am This week’s BMOC unveiled What you will and what you wont hear from the Hawkeyes today